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#5 The Original “Dr. Phil” with Dr. Phil Schneider

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Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform. You can also watch the interview on YouTube.

The same familiar face, the experience, wisdom and spirit of Dr. Phil… in a new way, online!

The father-son duo of Dr. Phil and Uri will get together - this time online on Facebook Live @ Schneider Speech. Enjoy…

Phil is a rare individual who embodies so many characteristics and means so much to so many people. It’s a delight to hear his candid conversation, sharing his heart and his mind, his triumphs and his hopes.

He is recognized as a generous friend, caring soul, role-model, prominent professional, world-class teacher, master clinician, renowned professor, life-changing therapist and more.

We think of him as our mentor and master guide at Schneider Speech and it’s my honor to call him my father and my teacher.

Conversation and Life-Lessons with Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil shares wisdom and life-lessons on Facebook Live. Listen in! --- Generous friend, Caring soul, Recognized role-model Prominent professional, World-class teacher, Master clinician, Renowned professor, Life-changing therapist, A truly exemplary person I get to call, "dad" My father, and my teacher (to this day), Dr. Phil Schneider --- We discussed: - Zoom vs. in-person therapy - Corona Virus (COVID19) - Parkinson's - Stuttering - Voice - Boxing and Training (remotely) - Counseling - Coaching - Challenges and Opportunities - What makes the difference

The conversation addresses your questions. Including timely topics and timeless values…

  • Zoom vs. in-person therapy

    • Is online speech therapy effective?

    • Can it really work?

    • If so, how?

    • Is it better to wait to meet in-person?

    • What about young children? (They can’t possibly sit in front of the computer for therapy….)

  • Corona Virus (COVID19)

  • Parkinson's

  • Stuttering

  • Voice

  • Boxing and Training (remotely)

  • Counseling

  • Coaching

  • Challenges and Opportunities

  • What makes the difference

See our documentaries Transcending Stuttering: The Inside Story and Going with the Flow: A Guide to Transcending Stuttering - click here

See previous LIVE videos - click here

Replay the recent virtual open-house - click here

Sign-up for upcoming FREE meet-ups and webinars - click here

Check-out our new Self-Help Online Course for Teens and Adults Who Stutter - click here

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